Monday, October 6, 2008

Life, please don't kick in....

Oh how He loves us.

I just had an incredible night. God is so high.

I'm tired, I'm busy, and I just don't have the free time I want.

When Heaven meets earth like a sloppy, wet kiss.

In all that I say and do I should bring glory to Your name. You reminded me of that three times tonight. How do I think I could ever do anything good on my own? All I have you have given me and all I will ever do You will do through me.

How humble Your love. You Son came as the embodiment of love into this earth. He was humbled to such a lowly level and died such a wretched death. You could not even look upon Him. He was innocent; His hands were clean. Yet He suffered beyond what we can fathom. For what? For you and for me. For every person who loves God and for every person who hates His name.

I'm praying for a burden. I'm praying that I will feel such a deep sorrow for those who live without hope that I will be brought to action due to a reaction to God's grace and mercy. I want to be a light for God but with that I must obey Him.

I'm also praying that this passion will not fade from tonight. That life won't kick in.

I must decrease You must increase Lord
I'll bow down and You will be adored
I lift you high I bow down low
How high can You be?
How low can I go?

I want You.

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